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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Attention, for_children: n"
Staying Awake A superb audio learning course on being open to mysteries, inner treasures, and miracles.
Your Breathing Body 10 CDs with practices for using the breath as a pathway to healing and transformation.
Abiding In Mindfulness, Volume 1 Buddhist teachings for advanced students on the Satipatthana Sutta about the Buddha's "direct path to realization."
Breath Sweeps Mind An illuminating overview of Zen's essential practices and deepest teachings as applied to everyday life.
The Courage to Be Happy A three-hour presentation with Jewish and Buddhist teaching stories on gratitude, compassion, and mindful awakening.
Natural Perfection A five-and-one-half hour exploration of this ancient wisdom tradition with applications of the dharma for the streets and the workplace.
Writing Down the Bones Suggestions on ways to turn writing into a spiritual practice.
Healing with Great Music Ideas on making the most of sound, music and other forms of vibration upon our bodies, minds and souls.
Your Buddha Nature A nine-hour audio retreat on mindful living through the Ten Pefections of Buddhism.
Musical Midwifery for the Dying A conversation about the ministry of companioning the dying with music.